UK Amiga SWOS/Sensi V1.1 Tournament

5 years 7 months ago #140375 by Garthy73
We’re organising a SWOS/Sensible Soccer V1.1 tournament in the north of the UK (Blackpool or York).

We’re looking at holding the tournament in April 2019. Dates we’re considering are April 6, April 13, or April 20.

We’ll be doing a one day event with both Amiga SWOS 96/97 and Sensible Soccer V1.1 tournaments, depending on the amount of entrants, we’ll be looking at doing both leagues and cups of both versions. We’ll also put on other retro games for a bit of fun.

I just wanted to get some sort of idea as to how many people are likely to enter before I book a venue.

Let me know here if you’re interested and which dates you can and can’t do and where you’d prefer the tournament to be held, York or Blackpool.



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5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #140376 by HairFU
Will it be like one of the bigger tournaments (for example you try to have minimum 12 to 14 games for everyone) or is it more a quick K.O. offline cup and after 2 to 3 hours we play a different game?
For example like this - or is it more a smaller one?

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5 years 7 months ago #140379 by Garthy73
Thanks for the link Hairfu. Very helpful seeing the format for an established tournament and gives me some food for thought on this comp.

The way we’d considered doing it was four seperate competitions. A league and a cup for SWOS and the same for sensi V1.1.

I’d like the cups to start with a series of mini leagues (like the actual World Cup). This means everyone would get plenty of games. How many times we play each other in the leagues would depend on the number of entrants. If we get a large number of entrants we’ll have to look at how we’ll do these.

When I’ve got a better idea of the number of likely entrants I’ll be able to draw up a more solid plan around the format, but whatever format we go for we’ll make sure everyone gets plenty of games throughout the whole day.



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5 years 7 months ago - 5 years 7 months ago #140380 by HairFU
As I did not have any plans for my vacation next year maybe I could combine a visit on your SWOS tournament with a week in the Manchester area.
But befor I would visit a SWOS tournament, I have to be sure that it would be a serious tournament mode. Not a bunch of friendly leagues followed by a K.O. Cup, that have nothing in common (not a small friendly league and followed by an indipendent K.O. Cup).
For me a serious SWOS cup is with a Groupstages with minimum 5 or 6 players on every group and everyone in a group play 2x against each other. The better you was on your group, the more easy the opponent is on your K.O. stage (for example like on real World Cup or on real Champions League)

Look here what I mean and what is a serious tournament mode for me:

Best would be if you could tell us what kind of mode you make with what numer of players (just like in the link I give you before - And it would be very nice if you could tell us here who allready think about to come to your cup and who allready say he is coming, so that we have a look if it is more smaller or bigger cup :)

For me every date is the same, as I have to ask for free time on work. So just determine a date and I will see if I can make it.

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5 years 7 months ago #140384 by Garthy73
It would be great to have you at our tournament Hairfu. I was planning on seperate leagues and cups for both versions. So there’d be 4 titles up for grabs. This depends on how many entrants. If there’s a good turnout then there might not be time to play leagues, in which case we’d go with something along the lines of what you’ve suggested in the above links. In any case I’d like the cups to have a league system as the first round like in the actual World Cup. Whatever format we go with we’ll make sure everyone gets plenty of competitive games throughout the whole day. I’ll confirm a definite format as soon as possible.

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5 years 7 months ago #140385 by HairFU
Ok, just post as soon as possible, what kind of tournament mode you will have on your tournament, so that everyone know for sure what is used on your SWOS day.

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5 years 7 months ago #140387 by ElMichaJ
well that sounds nice :)
manchester could be the airport (cheap) for both cities ... just need a transfer and some bed :D

Hey Hey Hey .... El Micha J !!!

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5 years 6 months ago #140421 by Garthy73
There’s good train services to both York and Blackpool from Manchester. And there’s loads of accommodation.

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5 years 6 months ago #140441 by HairFU
Just a question about brexit. April is after the deadline of brexit. What about a visa for people from germany or other countrys in the european union. Do we need any forms to fill out or will be anything like before (I guess not)? At the moment I can just book a flight to england and everything is fine, what about after 29th of march 2019?

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5 years 6 months ago #140444 by Garthy73
To be honest I have no idea. But I can’t believe it’ll make any difference to travel/holidays. I’m going to France on holiday next summer, and it’s not something I’ve worried about. I’ll have a bit of a look see if I can find anything.

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