11 years 2 months ago - 11 years 2 months ago #117836 by Manuel
SWOS SPIRIT was created by Manuel
Unfortunately me and others italian players (Mt,Lestat, Lemon and others) have received some intimidations from an other user of this community (Retrieving/Retri).

Channel logs for #sensibleita on Saturday the 30th of March 2013 (source Nordicbot)

[14:05:03] Retristan io sta gente
[14:05:11] Retristan giuro devono sperare che non vada mai al Sensidays
[14:05:17] Retristan e me li ritrovi davanti

Seem that if i will go (as well as others italian guys) in Germany for Sensidays i have to bring with me an helmet for defend myself from a premeditate aggression!

Furthermore he already said he s big enough to hurt me.
REtri_XIV io sono 1m e 80 per 80 Kg, scommettiamo che ti rovino?

This isn t the spirit of Swos!!!
I remeber when in Germany (2008), the players of that Sensidays signed a T-Shirt and send to the family of Divin Codin (unfortunately he isn t among us), i remember that we seemed a family!!!

I hope that a day will be possible merge the two italian community but at least i hope that the players of and Sensibleita will be able to join both to Sensidays without helmet! This isn t a war.

Playavely and the others guys of teached me (in the past) the respect for the opponents (thank you for this).

There is a fantastic section of this web site where you can read some Swos histories (Swos in stone age). i invite everybody to see it
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11 years 2 months ago #117839 by dior
Make SWOS,, not war...
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11 years 2 months ago - 11 years 2 months ago #117840 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: SWOS SPIRIT
This is rather strange to me after all this time, with highlights like this which brought us together:

Apart from any individuals (quotes always may happen to be taken from or even out of a bigger context) my attitude towards splitting this community has always been the same: BULLSHIT!!
We (and I really mean: WE!! as Sensi fans) are too few to split and this forum and website aren t called SWOS United just for nothing.
Anybody who pushes SWOS fans to split from each other (no matter in whatever way) is a blind idiot to me. This has nothing to do with idealism, rules or different online modes. It s just plain stupid.
We have to stick to each other as much as we can and settle any differences we come across. There have been some in the past and we have proven many times that we are capable to overcome all obstacles.

The Sensible Days (or: The World Cup) is naturally each years definite highlight and there can t be a better time to shake hands and have a great time together as a community. Period.

I hope many of our Italian friends will represent their country in Berlin, singing, cheering and celebrating with the rest of Europe.
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11 years 2 months ago #117841 by Ali
didnt know that there was an other italian community
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11 years 2 months ago - 11 years 2 months ago #117842 by Retrieving
Replied by Retrieving on topic Re: SWOS SPIRIT
What a load of bullshit.

What s happening here is that Manuelll has just been banned from Sensibleita for:

- insults toward the admins (including the webmaster)
- insults toward other members of the community (including people who have been playing there since 2008)
- forum spamming and trolling (looks like he s doing the same here)
- all around lack of respect

...and he s now making shit up in order to try to frame and slander me and other Sensibleita admins who also play on in a desperate attempt at getting us removed from here as a sort of childish revenge . ::)

Unfortunately Manuelll has been acting like a total prick for the past 2 weeks, he was arrogant and cocky on several occasions toward at least 3 admins (to the point of telling them off straight out) and just as many old-time members because, apparently, he was mad he couldn t get people to play the exact moment he popped on the chat (sigh, as if people have nothing better to do with their time than waiting for him).

He started throwing baseless accusations around because he felt like people were purposely trying to avoid him (talk about paranoia) although he s never at any point given any reliable availability schedule or tried to contact his opponents via forum, PM s or facebook and he flat out accused one of our oldest players (a guy who had never gotten into any argument with anyone else before in over 5 years of SWOS leagues and who had yet to miss a game in the TWELVE online careers out of TWELVE he played) of foul play because, wait for it, the guy got struck by a stomacache and couldn t show up online in time (in fact, the guy came online, apologized and tried his best to arrange another appointment before leaving but Manuelll told him he was lying). Get a load of this guy.

To add insult to injury He then went on playing the devil s advocate for another member (Giacomo1980, the dude s just signed on as well so watch out) who had been caught beyond any reasonable doubt faking desynchs and controls failures to escape impending defeats (he kept doing this over and over and at some point was called on it, at first he denied but then, ultimately, confessed he was cheating and apologized) and got into quite a few arguments with pretty much everyone because of it (apparently he felt like we didn t do the guy justice by treating him like the cheating scum he, in fact, is, well no shit Sherlock).

Yet he s here preaching about respect fair-play and friendship. How scorchingly ironic.

...all of which happened after being swept off of the Federation Cup (the online career league cup ) by the very same guy he had previously accused of avoiding him . Coincidence? Think not, Manuel being smug and somewhat of a sore loser should be common knowledge by now.

As a result he was warned that, had he kept going, he would ve been removed from our competitions, his response was more insults, mockeries and threats of leaving the site forever (huh, be my guest), to which the staff answered with a heartfelt f*** you because at that point he had already made us waste enough time (not to mention, he messed up the Serie B promotion/relegation race by leaving with 3 matches left to play, which led to more organization-related issues for us...but f*** us, right? It s like we do this for a living...).

He s now resorting to post on because his 6 or 7 troll-threads on Sensibleita were deleted and his account terminated.

What a nice guy.

- - -

The so called threats he s talking about translate as the following:

The nerve of some people
I swear they d better hope I ll never actually get around attending the Sensidays
cause I d tell them off

...big deal, grow a pair. You act like a jerk because there s a monitor in between and you expect me not to say anything the day we actually meet face 2 face? Yeah ok, no wonder the guy is so keen on trolling people over the internet...

Also, it s taken completely out of context, I was just pissed because after losing an afternoon to explain him how to use the site to play the Online Career, doing my best to allow him to meet other players to avoid complaints and going out of my way to allow him to participate even though he signed up late (despite being warned several times that he would ve been late...) I was being treated like complete shit (and so were my friends) on daily basis by this ungrateful twat. Sue me.

BESIDES, stuff happening on another website should stay there, IMHO.

EDIT: please note, Manuel is actually the one suggesting people not to play on Sensibleita whereas 98% of Sensibleita members ALSO PLAY on (myself included). ::)
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11 years 2 months ago #117844 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: SWOS SPIRIT
If that s an inner-Italian problem (which I wasn t quite sure about so I kept my post above as in general as possible) please solve that elsewhere.
For everything else, especially Sensible Days, you may refer to my words.
Have a nice day.
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11 years 2 months ago #117845 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: SWOS SPIRIT
*splitted from Sensi Days topic and merged*
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11 years 2 months ago #117846 by Manuel
Replied by Manuel on topic Re: SWOS SPIRIT
The context is worse than these quotes (if is possible) and absolutely we can t see SWOS UNITED because in this moment miss the respect for the other players.
On SensibleIta I defended an other player (but i defend an idea of respect for the other members/Swos Fun) that received a lot of offences and than i received (from administrators(!!!!!) like Uccio, Kanu -he is also a member of this community- the same treatment (for this my defence of an idea of respect for the Swos Spirit and not for an individual argument).

Than i received (as well as other players) intimidations (also for Sensidays).

I know that can t share and can t stand this politics.
I hope that i day we can say SWOS UNITED.
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11 years 2 months ago - 11 years 2 months ago #117847 by Manuel
Replied by Manuel on topic Re: SWOS SPIRIT
The administrators of Sensibleita shared the photos of a user (Giacomo),they take these photos on a social netwrok (Fabebook) without authoritazion and put on forum for offend him (SHAME YOU)!
After that i defended him, the administrations have created some topic where offend me (the topics are also still opened, other SHAME).
Retri, you want make believe that i left your site because a i lost a game (i gave my confratulations to my opponent, fortunately i won a Sensiday and i accept always a match lose...i remember when i lost in semifinal in Fulda (Amiga Swos Online 2009) and gave my hand to my opponent (FOKA) for give my congratulations.

About the intimidations:
[14:05:03] Retristan io sta gente
[14:05:11] Retristan giuro devono sperare che non vada mai al Sensidays
[14:05:17] Retristan e me li ritrovi davanti
In italian that sentence doesn t mean or include tell them off , it s something Retrieving added.

Furthermore he already said he s big enough to hurt me.
REtri_XIV io sono 1m e 80 per 80 Kg, scommettiamo che ti rovino? Bimbominkia del cazzo

In memory of the Spirit of Swos lost !
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11 years 2 months ago #117848 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: SWOS SPIRIT
I may just ask everybody involved in this quarrel to not use Sensi Days in any negative context.
That s blasphemy! ;) Thanks.
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