Palette: turning orange into another color
3 years 4 months ago #145004
by DaniSwos
Palette: turning orange into another color was created by DaniSwos
by editing the file pal.256 it is possible to convert the orange of the team kits in another color.
Orange is (RGB, 6 bits) the 3-byte string hex "3F 19 00" at offset FA12 hex.
For instance, changing it into hex "20 00 3F" it becomes violet, so all the teams with an orange (holland, etc.) kit will appear with a violet kit when playing.
Nevertheless, in the team-formations screen before the match, the kit will still appear as orange; the same for the kits of the players sitting on the bench.
Does anybody know how to change also that orange colors? Is some other file *.256 to be changed?
Thanks a lot!
by editing the file pal.256 it is possible to convert the orange of the team kits in another color.
Orange is (RGB, 6 bits) the 3-byte string hex "3F 19 00" at offset FA12 hex.
For instance, changing it into hex "20 00 3F" it becomes violet, so all the teams with an orange (holland, etc.) kit will appear with a violet kit when playing.
Nevertheless, in the team-formations screen before the match, the kit will still appear as orange; the same for the kits of the players sitting on the bench.
Does anybody know how to change also that orange colors? Is some other file *.256 to be changed?
Thanks a lot!
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3 years 4 months ago #145007
by Playaveli
Holland fans will kill you for that!
Replied by Playaveli on topic Palette: turning orange into another color
For instance, changing it into hex "20 00 3F" it becomes violet, so all the teams with an orange (holland, etc.) kit will appear with a violet kit when playing.
Holland fans will kill you for that!
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3 years 3 months ago #145021
by DaniSwos
Replied by DaniSwos on topic Palette: turning orange into another color
orange was just an example; all other colors could be changed as well
orange was just an example; all other colors could be changed as well
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