OOO Ranking Fraud?

13 years 3 months ago #100613 by Rock and Roll
I guessed as much Wänä, I was just hoping the ip s wouldn t match.
Great form of revenge ....messing the ranking up for us guys in the 800 - 2000 ranking range......

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13 years 3 months ago #100619 by dimetrodon
Replied by dimetrodon on topic Re: OOO Ranking Fraud?
I have gotten news about some ooo-games with Infiltrate. He scored owngoals, ESC-ed. Once he was a good player, but now just doing mess. I don t know why, don t know the reason, but don t have to guess it. As in supra s case: the reason is maybe interesting personally, but the main thing is this is bad for the others, so Infiltrate, please don t do it, or if maybe like it that way: it is prohibited.

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13 years 3 months ago #100624 by Rock and Roll
We can always check with Davor Suker who Infiltrate played this afternoon..........

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13 years 3 months ago #100633 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: OOO Ranking Fraud?
Send Infiltrate a PM, and ask him to comment... ::)

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13 years 3 months ago - 12 years 11 months ago #100645 by Infiltrate
Replied by Infiltrate on topic Re: OOO Ranking Fraud?

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13 years 3 months ago #100648 by Wänä81
Replied by Wänä81 on topic Re: OOO Ranking Fraud?
First of all! Offline matches are offline matches! For that matches there is an offline ranking! They have nothing to do with the online ranking.

Second thing...this is ridiculous. Do you believe what you wrote here. Why did your friends hidden their ip adress when they are logged in Because of what?

I am curious what Suker, Redbaron and Fresh say to that case! Lets wait for their answers!

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13 years 3 months ago #100649 by Rock and Roll
I have never heard such total rubbish in my life (not even in politics...). Let s put it a few other ways.
First of all: I ve played a lot of superstars here, and even I ve got lucky with the occasional win against players more than 1500 srn above me. There isn t a single lucky result in the string of matches you ve posted.
Second: I m a mathematician, so it s easy for me to calculate probabilities concerning goals scored, goals conceded and results based on srn and / or based on goal difference fluctuation. All goal and result patterns have about 0% probability.

I can use more data if you d like, but I guess it s not needed. I can add / delete player valuations just like you.... Why can t you just understand we re not that thick? OK, so you have issues with some people here. Why spoil it for people you ve never played / spoken to? We just want a ranking where everyone knows what he can expect from his opponent. And one where everyone earns his spot. Quit it, please.

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13 years 3 months ago - 13 years 3 months ago #100650 by Retrieving
Replied by Retrieving on topic Re: OOO Ranking Fraud?
Assuming that what s been claimed is indeed true (which may very well be, I got friends from back in the days coming over to play SWOS every once in a while as well, although we ve never entered any result on or any other site for that matter, we just play for fun and that s it) Infiltrate s friends should get online by themselves from their own, respective places and let the mods log their actual IP s (although IP checks can only go so far but meh, better than nothing) for comparison sake (and perhaps play some matches vs. volunteers/mods whilst at least two of them are online to rule out the fake account thing), besides matches that were played offline shouldn t count toward the online ranking seeing as offline and online play quite differently (aside from lag delaying inputs and whatnot, the online game s set to run slightly faster as well and these two elements end up affecting the gameplay quite a bit, there s an offline ranking for a reason).

Should Infiltrate and his buddies refuse to comply pronto, the admins will have all of the rights in the world to take all necessary measures to prevent the ranking from being exploited which means that all of their results and accounts may end up getting wiped from the site without further notice cause the amount of shady stuff going on as of late is pretty ludicrous (and silly) if you ask me and a line must be drawn here, no further;

no matter the reason stick to the rules or go home.

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13 years 3 months ago #100651 by Jonathant
Replied by Jonathant on topic Re: OOO Ranking Fraud?
It s going to take a bit more to validate these claims! It is perfectly conceivable that friends can meet up and play Swos together...but for the online games to be viable, some serious evidence is required. Not sure what. Photos, independent comment from the players...

And I m missing something with the joypad connection. If your pc is the only one with a connector, how do you do the multiplayer? Does one connector not equal one joypad? So you are implying you all only play using this. Perhaps someone can tell me I am wrong.

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13 years 3 months ago - 13 years 3 months ago #100654 by Playaveli
Replied by Playaveli on topic Re: OOO Ranking Fraud?

Fresh, davor suker and redbaron are my friends offline and now i start playing again it inspired them to start also, and yes fresh is a very good player, hes the best swos player i have ever played offline since playing the game from 1994. We played several ooo marathons since they start and as my pc is only one with lpt printer port for amiga joy adaptor, we play online and offline together here. For me personally fresh is my fav opponent of all time, the games are tight but he often beats me with ease, we played offline ooo s and we enter the results after our games, they wanted to get a lot of games under their belt to gain stats and better ranking, and fresh will be in the top 10 for sure if he keeps playing... (p.s. fresh has only 2 votes not 7? where ever you got that from and one is from me)

Sorry to say so, but to me that s just a fairy tale... nothing else!
We know Infiltrate long enough. Some things will never change.

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