Re: Amiga SWOS-Total Pack V1.5.2 (2012-12-10) - Amiga SWOS Online Integration

12 years 8 months ago #111826 by starwindz

Yes, PC with SWOS++ is easy as hell. (It is easy indeed.)

WinUAE was a bit difficult, some years ago I made a config. file to map the keys in the current online version (not in the TotalPack but may work) as IJKL+F.

The relevant part:

There is a known issue. After you start it, you have to press F12 and under Input, you have to set Axis 1 to none.

Great, I will check it out! Thank you. :)

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12 years 8 months ago - 12 years 8 months ago #111827 by starwindz
Total Pack integrated Amiga SWOS Online(Amiga SWOS-Total Pack V1.3) - Preview 4
The development is now at alpha stage. I am trying to prepare the beta version to distribute for beta testers until this weekend.

* New quick start mode (This idea has been provided by ElMichaJ.)
[img] fz4wE/T84IRmVrayI/AAAAAAAAAmI/xyqWpVYRk1o/s510/01_quick_online.jpg[/img]

* Controller configuration - Keyboard
[img] BZxPEERM0Sg/T84ISO8vfRI/AAAAAAAAAmQ/gPCytPMhwPw/s807/02_select_controller_1.jpg[/img]

* Controller configuration - Joystick (Calibration)
[img] 1C4NuXa4mxE/T84ISdL8nVI/AAAAAAAAAmY/7ejguyPS5GU/s807/03_select_controller_2.jpg[/img]

* Summary of options for running SWOS Online

* All settings of WinUAEXP are automatically configured
[img] umJq_jXcdZk/T84IS3RU4EI/AAAAAAAAAmo/gyOxHx4EJZs/s486/05_winuaexp.jpg[/img]

* Built-in screen capture feature in total pack
[img] HxDZm9BQz_E/T84IUuv_QNI/AAAAAAAAAmw/QwNyCwcin7A/s787/06_screen_capture.jpg[/img]

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12 years 8 months ago #111834 by tomek85fcb
I would like to ask about skills of players of Real Madrid. In previous versions of SWOS Total Pack(1.31), they played better than current version of Swos, especially goalkeeper Iker Casillas. Did skills were decreased in 1.33 ?

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12 years 8 months ago #111836 by starwindz

I would like to ask about skills of players of Real Madrid. In previous versions of SWOS Total Pack(1.31), they played better than current version of Swos, especially goalkeeper Iker Casillas. Did skills were decreased in 1.33?

No, the gameplay mechanism was not changed.

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12 years 7 months ago - 12 years 7 months ago #111895 by starwindz
Beta version of Amiga SWOS-Total Pack V1.3 will be distributed to following 5 beta testers(Alphabetic order) within this weekend.

Ball Boy

Playaveli has also provided the important information and data to me for this development.

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12 years 7 months ago - 12 years 7 months ago #111899 by starwindz
Beta testing started - 6/9 ~ 6/17 for Amiga SWOS Online integrated Total Pack(Amiga SWOS-Total Pack V1.3)

* Introduction
Amiga SWOS Online integrated Total Pack(Amiga SWOS-Total Pack V1.3) is 100% compatible with the Redhair s version of Amiga SWOS Online package, ASWOS2( and it has many user-friendly features.

* Registered beta testers(Alphabetic order)
Ball Boy

* Beta Testing
- Beta version release date: 2012.06.09
o A personal message which includes the download link has been sent to the beta testers only.
- Test period: 2012.06.09 ~ 06.17
- Beta testers should post the test report or comments on the development topic or send PMs to starwindz.

* Special Favor for Beta Testers
- Tester s name or id will be included into the total pack itself as The Special Thanks

* Major features of this development
- 100% compatible with the Redhair s version of Amiga SWOS Online package
- Super-easy(One-click) user interface included(Quick-online mode)
- Online SWOS supports various Windowed mode without black borders
- Easy controller configuration (Keyboard Joystick)
- FPS slow-down patch included
- Save Disk Downloader included
- Save Disk Manager included(Copy, Move, Delete, Rename the files inside the save disk)
- Automatic player data backup after shut-down of WinUAE
- Easy screen capturing and description input supported
- Game report creator using captured screens included
- Webchat link included
- Recommended server list included
- SWOS DB Finder included
- Task-Killing feature of WinUAE included
- All other features of Amiga SWOS-Total Pack included
New quick online mode in beta version

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12 years 7 months ago - 12 years 7 months ago #112036 by starwindz
Beta testing extended - 6/9 ~ 6/23 for Amiga SWOS Online integrated Total Pack(Amiga SWOS-Total Pack V1.3)

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12 years 7 months ago - 12 years 7 months ago #112106 by starwindz
Amiga SWOS-Total Pack: V1.3 coming soon - Amiga SWOS Online Integration

* Release date

* Introduction
Amiga SWOS-Total Pack V1.3 is 100% compatible with the Redhair s version of Amiga SWOS Online package, ASWOS2( and it has many user-friendly features.

* Major features of this development
- 100% compatible with the Redhair s version of Amiga SWOS Online package
- Super-easy(One-click) user interface included(Quick-online mode)
- Online SWOS supports various Windowed mode without black borders
- Easy controller configuration (Keyboard Joystick)
- FPS slow-down patch included
- Save Disk Downloader included
- Save Disk Manager included(Copy, Move, Delete, Rename the files inside the save disk)
- Automatic player data backup after shut-down of WinUAE
- Easy screen capturing and description input supported
- Game report creator using captured screens included
- Webchat link included
- Recommended server list included
- SWOS DB Finder included
- Task-Killing feature of WinUAE included
- Flash banners included
- Internal version updater included
- All previous features of Amiga SWOS-Total Pack included

* Preview of new quick mode + flash banner animation

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12 years 7 months ago #112112 by Playaveli
This is amazing work! Thank you.
One thing: What about left-ctrl-right-ctrl-tool? Can you include this too?

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12 years 7 months ago - 12 years 7 months ago #112122 by starwindz

This is amazing work! Thank you.
One thing: What about left-ctrl-right-ctrl-tool? Can you include this too?

Regarding left-ctrl-right-ctrl-tool, actually this feature now has been implemented to the current beta version.

After you gave me the comments, I had a close look at the exe file of left-ctrl-right-ctrl-tool and then I have found that it is made of autohotkey software. So I have made this feature by using autohotkey since I need more keyboard hooking features such as IJKL+F as well as the switch of left-control and right-control. These utilities I have made would be in the controller_layout folder of total pack.

Thank you very much for your comments. :)

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