Re: Announcement SensiDays 2012 Almelo

12 years 1 week ago #113134 by Ali
First off all I would like to say to all players I appreciate all of you who made it this year to join Sensi Days. Especially who made many km s. By plain, then the train, then taxi. Really great job.

Congratz Playaveli for winning PC Swos. Too bad I couldnt stop you. This was our first PC games after playing many tournaments (MDCup 2008, Sensidays 2008, Prague open 2008, Sensidays 2009) Tried my best. Showed you the best what I can. Both great games, I ll never forget. I want to see the replays. After me you hard games. Vs Marin I most enjoyed, especially that he scored in the last minute and went to replays. Bomb was really close. Djowger also in the final. You deserved to win. Best PC player ever.

Finally after many years I did it to win the Amiga title. It was really hard. There were many amiga experts, so really hard to win. I just kept playing my own game, that has rewarded me.

About the organisation, this was the first time helding a big tournament in the Netherlands and with no experience, so it could be that not everything went perfect. Hounestly,.. not professional. The location was hard to find, especially for players who didnt join by car. I must say the place where we stayed, it was not clean. Too much difference with Fulda. There were some discussions about the food. People were getting hungry. I saw only Peter in the kitchen and Rock helping. Maybe if there were a cook or two it went much faster. Hard to cook alone for 40 people. Anyway for me this all are extra things for me. I can also sleep on the floor and eat cheese sandwich. The most important for me is to play swos and we did. So no problems at all, but for 100 euro there were higher expectations. But you guys tried and did hard work.

Everything outside this, it was great to meet all of you guys. Most of you I hadnt see for years.

Playaveli: Nice to see you again m8, with some nice PC games. All games of you in the knockouts were exciting because they were all close. All games won over two legs with +1 goal.
Lobo and Bomb: The penalty series vs Bomb we all never can t forget. Even I still think it was not a fair winner, I must say we all enjoyed there. Especially when we all thought it was over when you missed a penalty. But it wasnt hahaha. You guys really played high level swos.
Dzem: Youre a great guy. Wanna congratz you winning twice against me in the groupphase. You played a great tournement. Showed high level swos. We must keep an eye to you next year. I have expectations.
I also want to thank the Dutch team who supported me well. Mark, Swooz, Rock!! Rusty, I hope I can meet you again, such of great guy you are. Mark thanks for closing the doors in the knockouts. I cant play with cold hands. Hhahah. Rock, you did really great job for the tournament!
Too bad team Polska didnt played a final. But you guys played a good tournament. Foka with a great game against Playaveli. I thought Foka will play in the final but Marin stopped him early. It was nice to meet you guys. Lobo, Bobbieeee, Xflea.. Sanek you played a great Amiga tournament, ending first in the group with Playaveli. Too bad our game with tactics was in advantage for me. I knew without tactics it will be hard, so had to finish it in the first game. Blazej, dont want to talk about your skills cause you know that allready. Too bad you couldnt keep headering vs Marin. In the air there was chance to beat Marin.
Marin well played in both tournaments. I love to see you joining every Sensidays. Guys like you are keeping swos alive.
Elmichaj nice to see you again m8. Played well in both tournaments. Always great to watch your games.
Team Denmark, great that you guys were there too. Djowger really well played! I didnt knew you have developed PC swos. Congratz playing final. And sorry I won in the amiga tour. Rasmus too bad you lost vs Schulle, where you deserved to win. It was 1 way direction. Ps. I hope you guys and ISSA will organize next year Sensible Days. You guys have all consoles adapters etc, and experience. My vote goes for Denmark.

Hasst du der eine schultzebrau???

Enough words now. Cu guys later !

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12 years 1 week ago - 12 years 1 week ago #113136 by Bomb
Congratz to Ali for winning Amiga. I am impressed by the clarity of every result in the ko games. I think, I nver seen this before. No matter who came, it was 4-0 or 5-1 or someting like this in every 1. leg... really a slaughter ! :D
Congratz to Playa for winning PC. If I wouldnt have made that stupid present to him in the first leg in half final... who knows. but like ali totally deserved to win amiga, playa did it in pc, cause he had the hardest opponents in the ko rounds.

Thx to Peter and Colin for organizing all this and the other dutch guys who helped so much in the kitchen.
Really enjoyed the location, the atmosphere and the whole tournament - when elmichaj, blazej and me arrived on friday, everybody was shaking my hand to say hello and also happy birthday. like a big family. Nice to see again, what an impact a little game can have.

If anyone by incident recorded the penalty shoot-out between lobo and me, pls upload it on youtube. I was trembling for 10 minutes after this game, it was f***in awesome and I have to see it again ! :D

It is nice to see all you guys at least one time every year! keep swos going on!

I have to sleep now. gn m8s :)

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12 years 1 week ago - 8 years 11 months ago #113148 by swoozh

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12 years 1 week ago - 12 years 1 week ago #113159 by dzem
the journey back went quick and after 15hrs I ve been home:D
it was great to meet you again - some after 3 long years, some quicker. the best thing about the offline crew is that we might not see one another for a long time and it s still just as if it was a week ago;)

when it comes to SWOS - well, i have played online only few matches for the last 2 years and was offline only in Randers since Fulda, so I didn t have much expectations. But it turned out I did quite good and I really regret matches against Blazej, which I played much worse then all earlier - I feel I could do much more on that day. But looking back I should be really more than happy to have reached QF.. next year I ll try to be ready for more. Not to mention PC, where Nakkeost ruined my plan for taking a double crown;P

thx to the Dutch team and other supporters for organization and doing their best - especially Newcastle Rock deserves a huge beer - great job man and it was pleasure to meet you;)
The last time i ve been to SensiDays was in Fulda, so I can only compare to that and earlier tournament. And on the organizational level the comparison works not the best for Almelo. The other thing is that I think requirements for such a big event need to be more precisely specified (just to name cooking by players between matches is not a best solution).

see you all again next year and some of you hopefully sooner!

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12 years 1 week ago - 12 years 1 week ago #113160 by Playaveli
Hey everybody,

time to write a little report.
Coming back to Sensible Days after 3 years felt really great, like a highschool reunion. It was a pleasure to meet so many familiar faces and old friends again.
Klaris and me, cooking on Friday:
The location was pretty nice and perfectly suited for the event. Sleeping rooms, conference room, kitchen and outside facilities for relaxing, smoking, Dutch dance-shows etc... ;D

PC event:
Sensible World of Germany

The groupstage went quite well after the typical problems had been solved (calibration drama).
The first KO-round became a Polish nightmare. 7 (!!!) Polish players got kicked out in 1/16 final... only Blazej (title defender) got past that stage. In the 1/8 final no major surprises happened. The games against ALI were really tough.
It was very interesting and full of big fights. Rasmus vs. Schulle (4-4, 0-1) were amazing games with Schulle managing to surprisingly qualify for the semifinal. Well done!!!
The QF-games of Blazej vs. Djowger were packed with skills and ended with Djowger winning in style.
The Berlin-derby between ElMichaJ and Bomb ended with a quite deserved win for Bomb. He was able to make pressure in the right moments and was nearly flawless in defense.
Marin vs. myself: On the edge in every second. It was like a war on the pitch, with both sides trying to eliminate the opponent wherever it s possible. Goals, red card, injuries... everything. In the 2nd leg I was up 2-0 in the second half. However, never write off the fighting-pig... ;D so, he equalized in the 90ies minute. Replay time: And what a match it was... Marin in the lead 3 times, but I came back 3 times and eventually won the match in ET... GOSH!!!

3 Germans in semifinal of PC... ;)

Djowger vs. Schulle... 5-0 in first match. Nuff said... Nevertheless Schulle exited in style and won an honorable rematch 2-0. A remarkable tournament for him. Danish Dynamite up to the final!
Bomb vs. myself: We just know each other too well, which caused such close results. Great games, mate. Enjoyed them to the fullest.

The scoresheet tells the truth of this story. Soooo close. I cannot remember which game it was, but one of them I began with a spectacular flying-header owngoal... LOL! ;)
Just wait for the replays of this. Thanks Poul.

Made it, happy and proud to win the World Cup, again:

PC - For a little self-motivation I will try to give (...) Marin a good challenge!

Amiga event:
Sensible World of Poland, Penalties and ALI-shows

Polish domination and redemption for PC!!! Groupstage, Dzem topped the charts with outstanding results vs. ALI and winning the group. So did Sanek in my group. Awesome performances by Lobo and Foka, being in one group and slaughtering almost everyone in a goal-scoring-superstar-hero-attitude. In the end Lobo scored more than Foka to secure the top spot entry to KO-rounds.

1/8 finals:
4x Poland vs. Germany, 3x Poland victory (Dzem, Blazej, Foka) 1x Germany (Bomb vs. Lobo).
The Polish victories were all undoubtfully deserved. So, the last match of the tree we had to put our German hopes into Bomb. And what do you know?!!?! WWWWWOOOOWWWWWWW!!!! 4x90min (360mins) without a winner... great matches on the edge, with both sides leading at one time or another. Great to watch and a wild screaming audience.
Then penalties... OMG!! It felt like watching one s real national football team on television. Thank you guys, for these great moments. Bomb was the lucky winner. (Click HERE for the main reason... ;D )
-- With such moments to be created, it is no option to outrule penalty shootouts!! It has only been the 3rd time in Sensible Days history (7 years) for this to happen. It has to stay!!

1/4 finals:
Besides the Polish army, with ALI and Djowger two hot favorites marched on through the tournament, and ending up meeting each other here. Too early for my taste, but that s the way a tournament goes.
And it came to the point were my bet had to go vice or versa:

Amiga - Djowger-time! He is ready for a big title, but will face a stiff challenge from Ali.

These games were the start of an ALI-show. He was starting to celebrate SWOS with his technical skills. His timing and precision wasn t influenced by nervousity or wrong courage, it just flowed and entertained spectators. We all have seen these skills in online-friendlies, but ALI was finally able to bring it up to World Cup KO stages, where it really matters...
It continued this way in semis against Sanek (who actually started to spontaneously applaud), and finally against Marin in the final, too. Without disrespect, his opponents didn t matter in these moments, they were downgraded to spectators. ;)
You are the right name on the most important cup of SWOS! CONGRATS!

Sensible World of Gratitude

pspin - Thanks for hosting the World Cup in Almelo. You were putting in a huge amount of work, cooking, organizing etc etc. Thanks for some dutch culture, too. The dancing group and playing-man were a nice add-on.
RocknRoll - You are a great guy, with an impressive amount of positive energy. Without you, this tournament couldn t happen. I hope to see you again, soon.
Dutch crew - Thanks for all the support, getting the location ready and cooking services.

Kuba - A real organizing talent who took care voluntary for a lot of important things (results, saving replays, etc etc.). Thank you for that.
Torpedo and Lobo - Thanks for taking over the Amiga ceremony and helping with group drawings.
Dior - Always having an ear for problems and helpful, supportive as ever. True legend!!! Happy to see you again.
Dzem - the comedian... Had some funny moments, especially then:
Foka - Well done, my dear! Finally you beat me in Offline games. ;)

Pallister - Was about time to meet each other again. And next time without a 2-years-break!
St.Vitus - Nice to finally meet you and thanks for sharing the room with me. Hope to see you again, soon!
Eifel-Crew - Thanks for supporting me in the KO-stages, like everytime...felt great!! See you on the XMAS-Cup!! ;D
Schulle - Thanks for Thunderstrucking me in PC KO-rounds!!!! YEAH!! Halt-die-Fresse-Cup-Sieger!!!! ;D

Marin - Thanks for those historical encounters on PC!! Hope to get replays ready soon.

Everybody - For coming, helping with certain things (hardware etc...), and being what you are... lovely and pleasant persons!!!

CU next year!!!! Love, peace, empathy!
(Hopefully, Italy, Czech, Croatians, Serbians etc. will be able to join Sensible Days in the future again. We missed you guys!!)

PS: Come on guys, post your reports and pictures!!!!

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12 years 1 week ago - 12 years 1 week ago #113163 by djowGer
Hello fellow swos people :)

After some much needed sleep, I looked though my photos and 2 vids from this weekend and uploaded a few of them to my webalbum. See it here:

Report will follow later...

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12 years 1 week ago #113164 by xflea
Hi people,

Yet another great offline tournament is history. I really, really enjoyed it and I hope to visit more in the future.

My remarks on 2012 SensiDays:


It was a great location, I d say a perfect facility for a tournament like SensiDays. The place is well hidden in the forests :P and it was entirely occupied by SWOS crew - that s convenient.

There were some snags, mostly on the food front - like someone said it is hard to play a tournament and cook for 40 people in the same time. Nevetheless I say the organizers did a great job - for me the event was a success!


There was a very strong competition at these SensiDays. Many great players. Not suprisingly I didn t play much after the group stages. As long as PC is rather an exotic platform for me, I am a bit disappointed with Amiga. I felt pretty good on the tournament, but faced Foka in the first KO. That s not fair :D

The Polish brought their daughters (ermmm, sons) to the slaughter on Saturday. Similar to Fulda the Sunday was a resurrection for our team. Insane game of Lobo vs. Bomb. Two undisputed champions in the end: Playaveli and Ali (great job Banana King :D ) - CONGRATULATIONS!


Always a pleasure to meet you guys at offline! I am looking forward to the next tournament - Hungary? Denmark? Germany? Poland? no matter where, I am going :)

The Dutch Organizers - thanks for making 2012 SensiDays such a nice event. Peter - you really took a lot on your shoulders, mate. Rock - you re a great guy - everyone says it. It was fantastic to finally meet you my friend.

The f***ing Polish SWOS team (that are supporting him) - our representation is very strong in SWOS - is there any other sports that has as many Polish stars - no f***ing way! Dior and Primo - thanks for a great roundtrip to Almelo :)

The German Singers - fantastic support as always. You guys can sing about just anything?? Yes, you can :)

The Bulgarian and Danish squads - you guys are veterans and true strenght of SWOS scene. Travelling to every major event (and winning of course) - that s impressive. The sole representant of Hungary was observing quite quietly - was it thinking about organizing SensiDays 2013? :)


Offline rulez! See you soon on the pitch.

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12 years 1 week ago #113171 by Playaveli
Nice reports so far... looking forward to more media!!
Just transferred all the replay files from PC SWOS. Starting to record videos now...

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12 years 1 week ago - 12 years 1 week ago #113173 by Rock and Roll
OK...there are a few videos on my Youtube channel:

I have the reactions and drama of the PC Final (all three games), and the action in the Amiga Final (thanks to St.Vitus...danke mein Freund!). You can also see the award ceremonies and a few more things.

I ll upload all photos I have tomorrow evening (including photos of the winners).

Oh....this I had to post :)


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12 years 1 week ago - 12 years 1 week ago #113175 by bobbiebobras
Hi everyone...

Some pictures from Almelo here you are:

Report will follow later...

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