Re: SWOS Manager Ver. 2 Released
ATM i discuss the topic with synchronated.Hi King. I ve thought about what I ve written yesterday, and I think that the following idea is worth considering: to create in SM Editor an option import form .CSV , which option would take team players data form .CSV file prepared earlier (data should be in correct order), and paste it into editor. It will become very highly effective tool for Sensible Manager fans (including me
) to create huge databases based on Football Manager data (or maybe other sources) in quite short time. If work on it will be hard or time-consuming for you? If it won t, IMO it s worth to create. It could allow to play with many many teams, so it ll increase playability of Sensible Manager or maybe even make many new Sensible Fans! I (hope not only) will be happy if I could create some data, but just don t want to waste time on typing every single value to the editor
What do you think about the idea?
We will see how everything will turn out.
No pormises though.
In the meantime you can use the SWOS Team Files (and updates from Synchronated) to fill the SWOSM2 database.

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Edit: I ve noticed that I haven t hired any doctors and physiotherapists :-[
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A physiotherapist is very important.Well, I think there is still too much injuries in the game. After 8 matches, 7 out of 23 players got injured (injury lengths from one to three months). I ve set two trainings every Mon, Tue, Thu and Fri (intensity 3). Exhaustion of first eleven players is growing very fastly. Should I abandon any trainings? Or should I set different first elevens every game? Both solutions seems not realistic...
Edit: I ve noticed that I haven t hired any doctors and physiotherapists :-[
Without him you have to put more free time into your schedule.
The FREE option in the schdule is similiar to regeration.
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- electrospectre
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Maybe this weekend.still thoroughly enjoyin this... any improved versions soon to be available?
There will be some changes.

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- included 25 countries from around the world (latest data from
- fixed some bugs regarding stadium
- WinUAE SWOS is now supported
- minor game mechanic changes (lower wages, EXH doesnt increases so fast, etc.)
see First Post for Download Link.
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- electrospectre
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expect some feedback at some point soon!
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- Fixed some bugs in the data (stadiums)
- changed incomes, now its easier to survive with a super team.
see First Post for Download Link.
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